Following the recent Bike Day event, Vastint, the developer of the Business Garden office complex’s in Poland, came up with another interesting idea, namely to provide sports equipment to be used by tenants in the Business Garden recreation zones. It is an action undertaken within the Hospitality program implemented by Vastint Poland.
“The fact that the sport zones are very popular led us to develop our idea to encourage physical activity at work by providing professional sports equipment. Depending on the number of employees, each tenant will receive one or two sets. A set constitutes a special functional box containing among other things a volleyball or basketball, badminton rackets, table tennis paddles and boule sets. We have not forgotten about accessories such as a ball pump,” said Joanna Gogolewska, Property Manager Business Garden in Poznań.
First of all, such equipment will be distributed among the tenants of the Business Garden in Poznań, but the developer assures that similar sets will also be handed over to all tenants of the newly-constructed complex in Wrocław. They will get the box with sports equipment as part of the so-called welcome package.
The Business Garden complexes offer their tenants extensive infrastructure and space for sports activities in the gardens surrounding the buildings. Particularly interesting solutions in this respect will be offered by the Business Garden in Wrocław. Their sport zone even includes a beach volleyball playground filled with sand. It is adjacent to a basketball and volleyball playgrounds, which may also be used by tennis players. The garden was equipped with seats for people who would like to use their lunch break to watch their colleagues play sports. In Poznań similarly organized sport zones are very popular among the tenants but not only. At evening hours and during weekends the playgrounds are used by people living in the nearby housing estates.
The action consisting of handing over sports equipment to the Business Garden’s tenants is a part of the Hospitality program implemented by Vastint. The program is based on the formula which allows the company to offer services meeting tenant expectations in order to make it possible to run many daily errands within the complex during their lunch break or after work. Events organized for people working in the complexes constitute an inseparable element of the program. A rich event calendar contains among others cross-fit workouts, food truck days, bike days intended to prepare bicycles for the season, beauty workshops for women, healthy food workshops, foreign language courses at various levels, and even collections of old furniture and electro-waste from the house.