PLACES + SPACES is the latest initiative by the Polish branch of the Urban Land Institute, an international organisation that studies and promotes responsible urban development. In five sessions, developers, architects and urban planners will discuss the most interesting issues related to the impact of new projects on Polish and international urban areas. The first PLACES + SPACES meeting will be held on 20 February in Warsaw and will be dedicated to big, mixed-use projects.
According to the “Emerging Trends in Real Estate: Europe 2018” report by PwC and the Urban Land Institute, an increasing number of real estate market players pay attention to good practices in land use planning. What should be the qualities of buildings and places with ambitions to co-create or transform the face of a district or the whole city? This is one of the topics on the agenda at the first PLACES + SPACES meeting focused on planning and implementing big projects.
“In our meetings, we will present global examples of large and symbolic projects such as the Guggenheim Museum or Millennium Park. We will discuss the impact of creative placemaking on urban vitality and how cities are perceived by its citizens and tourists. I am convinced that participants will appreciate the expertise of our speakers and the casual, stimulating format of the meetings,” said John Banka, Chairman of the Urban Land Institute Poland.
Experts that will come to the first PLACES + SPACES meeting to share their experience include Alfonso Martinez Cearra, Director General of Bilbao Metropoli-30, an organisation that has been participating in the regeneration of the largest city of the Basque Country for over 25 years; and Daniel Ringelstein, Director of City Design at Skidmore Owings and Merrill Architects, whose projects include the famous Millennium Park in Chicago. The discussion panel will also be attended by Marlena Happach, Chief City Architect of Warsaw, and representatives of Echo Investment and Okam Capital. Andrew Tuck, Founding Editor of Monocle Magazine, will moderate the panel.
The PLACES + SPACES series is held under the auspices of Mayor of Warsaw.
“I would like to invite all Polish real estate market professionals to join the PLACES + SPACES meetings and to become a member of the Urban Land Institute. In the next four debates in 2018, we will discuss large city centres and the role of public spaces in private projects, among other topics. This is an excellent opportunity to meet recognised international experts,” John Banka added.