Investor’s Academy
Atrium Tower, Warsaw, 28 February 2019
Competition with prizes worth PLN 10,000 (Media Partner) and Polish Geodetic Group (Organizers) invite you for training dedicated to the commercial and residential real estate market. The Academy aims to show many problematic cases that can be avoided at the beginning of the investment processes. The main speaker Rafał Rychlicki (Vice CEO of The Polish Geodetic Group) has made hundreds of divisions of real estate in his experience and he has knowledge of the scope of official procedures in various types of properties.
property owners
asset managers
project managers
property managers
lawyers / legal counsel
real estate brokers
real estate advisors
9:30 Welcome, networking, coffee break
09:45 – 11:00 Block I Divisions of real estate according to the regulations on real estate management
11:00 – 11:15 Networking, coffee break
11:15 – 12:00 Block II Divisions of real estate according to separate regulations
12:00 – 13:00 Block III Costs of proceedings related to the division of real estate
13:00 – 13:45 Lunch
13:45 – 15:30 Block IV Problems related to property division and discussion
15:30 – 16:00 Networking, coffee break
See detailed program:
RAFAŁ RYCHLICKI (Vice-CEO of The Polish Geodetic Group, Licensed Land Surveyor (1, 2), Author, Trainer)
KRZYSZTOF KWAŚNIEWICZ (Managing Partner in The V.Anweiler, M.Kotulla, K.Kwaśniewicz Kancelaria Radców Prawnych CASUS IURIS Sp.j. in Wrocław, Partner of The Polish Geodetic Group)
ADRIAN HOŁUB (Board Member of The Polish Geodetic Group, Investor, Trainer, Author, Academic Lecturer, Surveyor)
Save the date: 28.02.2019
Hours: 9:30-16:00
Language: Polish
Adress: Warszawa, Atrium Tower, Al. Jana Pawła II 25, 9th floor Conference Center AND
For readers of tickets with a 40% discount on the code: “EuropaProperty 40”. Standard Price: PLN 600 net.
Registration and details: