O1 Group Limited, a Cyprus based investment company has completed the transaction of buying through voluntary public tender offer an additional 9,735,276 bearer shares in CA Immobillien Anlagen AG (CA Immo), an Austria based public company focused on investments in commercial real estate in Germany and CEE. As a result of the deal, O1 Group now owns a 26 percent stake in the company.
On November 28, 2014, O1 Group had published a voluntary partial public takeover offer (sections 4 et seq ATA) to the shareholders of CA Immo, which offered to acquire up to 9,735,276 bearer shares in CA Immo. That corresponded to approximately 9,85 percent of its outstanding share capital. The offer price was €18,50 per share and the acceptance period was open until February 6, 2015. Acceptances for the offer were oversubscribed and the offer was settled in full on the 20th of February and 9,735,276 shares were purchased for €180 million and transferred to O1 Group Ltd.
Previously, on the 28th of October 2014, O1 Group had completed the purchase of 15,954,891 ordinary shares in CA Immo from Unicredit Bank Austria that corresponded to approximately 16,1 percent of CA Immo capital. The value of that transaction was €295 million. That acquisition also included four registered shares, each of which entitles its holder to delegate one member to CA Immo’s supervisory board. On December 19, 2014 at Extraordinary General Shareholder Meeting representatives of O1 Group Dmitry Mints and Michael Stanton were elected to the Supervisory Board.
At present, O1 Group’s share in CA Immo amounts to approximately 26 percent and its total investment into Ca Immo, one of the leading European players in commercial real estate market, amounts to €475 million.
Boris Mints, Chairman of the Board of Directors of O1 Group, commented: ”We are excited to increase our share in CA Immo and support management in further development of its focused strategy. For O1 Group it is a strategic investment in the business model we know, we consider it as the opportunity for growth and geographical diversification in variety of economies. CA Immo’s portfolio is very balanced and comprised of assets in several countries in Eastern and Central Europe, with different market dynamics, pricing and profitability. Success of CA Immo’s strategy is reflected in the price of company shares that has increased by 16 percent* from the moment when we bought first stake in the company in October. This makes us even more confident in our investment decisions.”