PMR researchers reviewed financial results and sales figures of 44 leading companies operating in the sector of facade panels in Poland for the needs of a report studying the market. Manufacturers of glass, sheet metal and composite facade panels are the largest players in the facade panels market, according to the findings of the report. The output of facade panels generated by the top 10 companies is estimated at about PLN 1.25 billion (€300 million), i.e. almost 45 percent of the output generated by the sector as a whole and a little more than half of the production of the 44 surveyed companies.
Sales of materials for ventilated, non-ventilated and curtain facades amounted to nearly PLN 2.8 billion (€670 million) in 2014, according to the latest report released by the market research company PMR, entitled “The facade panels market in Poland 2014 – Development forecasts for 2015-2020”. Moreover, the market is projected to see continued growth and exceed the value of PLN 3 billion (€715 million) in 2016. However, in the years subsequent to 2017, the facade panels market is likely to witness a slight correction caused by a downturn in both residential and non-residential construction segments.
An analysis of the leading manufacturers and distributors shows that the sector of facade panels is highly concentrated. The two largest companies in the sector represent 16 percent of the market, top five companies account for 32 percent, while the ten leading market players contribute a staggering 52 percent of the market’s value. The market’s concentration looks a little different regarding the types of facades. Regarding non-ventilated facades and ventilated products, the ten largest manufacturers or distributors of facade panels have the combined market shares of up to 46 percent, which suggests greater fragmentation of sales within these segments. The situation is different for curtain facades. The top five companies represent about 80 percent of the market, which is indicative of strong concentration and concerns mostly manufacturers of glass products.
The main shareholders in the leading companies from the sector of facade materials come from Poland – 48 percent of the surveyed companies are based in this country. In terms of total sales revenue and revenue from sales of facade panels, the largest shares are also represented by companies originating from Poland (41 percent and 39 percent, respectively). Germany and the Netherlands are ranked second and third, respectively, in this respect.
Most plants making facade panels are based in Poland. A mere 16 percent of the surveyed companies imported finished products from plants associated with their groups or from foreign manufacturers. Furthermore, export activities in the sector of facade panels sector are highly developed – as many as 86 percent of the companies sell their products to foreign markets.
As shown by the analysis of the surveyed companies, in terms of materials of which facade panels are made, composite panels and metal sheet panels are the dominant materials offered by the surveyed companies. The resulting situation stems from the recent trend in construction to use lightweight, inexpensive materials which are simple and cheap to install. The market is also witnessing increasing product specialisation of manufacturers. Nearly two-thirds of the surveyed companies use only one type of material to produce panels.
Leading market players in the sector of facade panels include both companies whose business profile is related exclusively to the sector of panels and those which have a diversified business profile frequently linked to the construction industry (e.g. wood joinery, general contracting, thermal insulation systems, structures, steel, etc.) Companies offering facade panels in combination with other products or services account for 95 percent of the surveyed companies.